Changing Old Patterns To Allow New Choices

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind that allows you to tap into your deeper wisdom and unlimited possibilities. In this state of mind, you suspend old beliefs and limitations, and allow the changes you desire to begin. 

Hypnosis helps you release the habits, emotional blocks, old beliefs and traumas that get in your way. We sometimes understand where those issues came from, but logic and understanding often aren’t enough to make changes. Therapeutic hypnosis gives access to those old habits and deeper blocks and allows you to make the changes you need.

Ways To Use Hypnosis

Stress release
Deep relaxation 
Dental anxieties 
Smoking - becoming tobacco free
High blood pressure
Pain management
Sexual dysfunction
Tension headaches
Relaxing during medical procedures
Relieving stress-related pain 
Healthy food choices
Weight control 
Motivation for exercise 
Pregnancy & Childbirth – relaxed positive preparation

Many health & medical issues are intensified by stress, fear and worry.  Research has shown that prolonged stress and trauma impacts your immune system and all your body systems.  Stress and trauma don't just affect the mind and emotions; they affect the whole body.

Hypnosis works in conjunction with health care professionals to eliminate these barriers to health, to help you follow appropriate medical advice, to increase your focus on achieving optimal health. Consult with your doctor regarding how research has shown that hypnosis can make significant differences with various health issues.

Hypnosis does not take the place of medical treatment. It works in conjunction with other treatments and also creates a healthy hopeful attitude that assists with your healing.

Improved concentration
Sports performance enhancement
Stage fright 
Test taking
Study habits

Fears & Phobias 
Loss of love  
Memory improvement  
Releasing inappropriate anger  
Releasing shame and guilt  
Improving self-confidence  
Care-giver fatigue  
Nail biting 
Past life regression  
Discovering direction, purpose

Hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate Psychological Services. Mental health providers often give referrals to our services for many issues, and we refer you to Psychologists and Therapists when their services are most appropriate.

Ask your mental health provider for how hypnosis can assist you to make the changes you need.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

Yes, hypnosis is a natural experience. Everyone has times when they are in a relaxed day dreamy state that is very much like hypnosis. The ease and success of you intentionally using hypnosis depends on various factors: how comfortable you are with the person guiding you, the skill level of the hypnotist, how much you can relax and trust in that environment, and your personal motivation.  Also, the more times you use hypnosis or self-hypnosis, the easier it is to relax and go deeper.

The only people who cannot be hypnotized are those with extremely low IQs, people with certain kinds of brain damage, and of course, people who do not wish to be hypnotized and are therefore resisting it.

Often your subconscious mind is sabotaging your goals. Old habits, fears and beliefs from the past can be holding you back and blocking the changes you seek. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for changing your beliefs at this deepest level, allowing your conscious mind to be aligned with your subconscious mind so they can work together to fulfill your goals. 

We all can remember times that we decided to exercise more, to eat better, to stop smoking, or to learn a new skill. But even with the best of intentions, it is hard to maintain motivation and focus.

Hypnosis helps remove those blocks so that we can more easily maintain focus and achieve our goals.  

In your first session, we will talk about hypnosis, what it is and what it is not. We'll identify your goals and why they are important to you so I can help you in a specific personalized way.

Then with you relaxing in a comfortable recliner or relaxing at home, you will be guided into hypnosis. Your mind will relax into a creative state of heightened awareness and deep relaxation. We'll use imagery and positive suggestions to help you reach the goals you desire.

Every session is individualized to match your goals and needs.

People find hypnosis amazingly relaxing and refreshing. You will not be asleep, but will be so deeply relaxed that healing and changing can happen. Your focus will be on your inward experience and the direction we've set; your awareness of your outer environment will be in the background.

Of course, everyone's experience is different. Some people say they were completely relaxed and yet alert and aware.

Some people say they felt/imagined reality being altered in a deep healing way.

Yes, your mind will be very focused and you can remember everything that happens.

With more experience, some people move into an even deeper, slower "theta" brain wave pattern (the same frequency we are in while dreaming) and their experience will be similar to remembering a dream.

Absolutely not. Professional hypnosis is quite different from the TV and movie images most of us see.

A trained hypnotherapist works with you to help you release old patterns to allow the choices you want; your full cooperation is essential. If you were given suggestions you didn't agree with or were against your moral or ethical beliefs, you would reject them. Many studies have shown this to be true.

You will only accept suggestions you agree with and that support your goals.

Yes. In 1958, the American Medical Association approved hypnotherapy for use by qualified professionals. The American Psychiatric Association and the British Medical Association also adopted hypnosis as a viable therapeutic tool. Many renowned hospitals in the U.S. now teach and use hypnosis. Many doctors are familiar with the benefits of hypnosis and will be supportive of you using it.

Of course, hypnosis does not take the place of medical treatment. It works in conjunction with your other treatments to reduce stress-related pain and reactivity.
Hypnosis has been shown in many studies to be effective in helping with high blood pressure, tension headaches, IBS, etc. It also creates a healthy hopeful attitude that assists with your healing.

For some concerns, change can happen in a few sessions. Other issues might take longer depending on the complexity of that issue, its connection to other issues, and your own level of motivation and readiness.

I suggest three to five sessions to stop smoking and four or more sessions for food issues and weight loss goals. For issues relating to anxiety, stress, trauma, and phobias – there might be major changes after 2 or 3 sessions. Sometimes, it might take longer. But within a couple of sessions, you will be able to tell whether the hypnotherapy is working for you.

Some people experience big changes after a short time. But with most of us, the old patterns took a long time to develop and have had many years of repetition to become the problems they are today.

Hypnosis is fast and powerful to make amazing changes, but it's necessary to reinforce these new changes. The more you utilize hypnosis and practice the self-hypnosis you will learn, the deeper and more permanent the changes become.

Only about 50-55% of people are strongly visual. When we do hypnosis or guided imagery, it isn't necessary to "see" or visualize. Your other senses - hearing, smell, taste, and touch are just as powerful. For each person, one or two are predominant. For some people, it might be motor sensation, kinesthetic sensations, emotional memory, or a combination of different perceptions.

The creative power of the mind is unique and different for each person.

We will tailor the hypnosis so that it works best for you.

Yes, children and teens do extremely well with hypnosis. They have vivid fantasies and powerful imaginations, which are forms of self-hypnosis.

Many times, they respond more quickly and deeply than adults.
They often identify clear goals for themselves: doing better in school, conquering fear of certain situations, increasing self-confidence, doing well in athletics, music, and many other activities.

Yes, absolutely. Hypnosis or guided imagery is very well suited to this.

We will talk about your goals and concerns. When we do the hypnosis or imagery, we suggest that you use headphones or your speaker phone.

You will find a quiet comfortable place to relax where you will not be interrupted by people or pets. It could be your living room, your bedroom or even your on your deck or in your car. Or maybe on your lunch break at work.

You won’t have travel time to get to your session.  And… we won’t care if you dress up, or are still in your pj’s.

There are many different ways to describe why it is so effective.

Looking at the science of it:  During our normal busy times, our brains are operating in a “beta” frequency of 13 to 60 pulses per second on the Hertz scale. This is more of a left-brain linear, logical thinking.

When we are in a state of mental relaxation, our brain shifts into an “alpha” state. We are still aware of what is happening around us, but we are focused in a different way. An alpha frequency is a right-brain creative intuitive state of 7 to 13 pulses per second. When we daydream, pray, meditate, listen to deeply moving music, or are immersed in a good book or movie, our brain shifts into this slower alpha brain wave.

Everyone can recall times when they were immersed in something creative like music, art, dancing, or gardening and lost track of time. Maybe you were surprised by what your creative mind came up with. You were probably in a state of self-hypnosis.

With therapeutic hypnosis, we access this alpha state intentionally. We use it in a deliberate and guided way to achieve your goals.

Looking at hypnosis in a different way: Your logical linear left-brain thinking is in charge of lots of things – facts, planning, task-oriented things.

But your deeper unconscious self holds different memories, old messages you received as a child, traumas that affected you, and old beliefs you might not even realize are still there. Your deeper unconscious self also holds the ability to make powerful changes when you can utilize it.

Your logical linear self is not in charge of those changes. As you may have discovered, you can’t just talk yourself out of a phobia or trauma.

But we can use hypnosis or guided meditation to access this deeper self and release the old beliefs, traumas and outdated messages.

It is a powerful, but gentle way of making changes in your life.

Many health insurance plans cover hypnosis when it is used for medically related issues like stopping smoking, stress reduction, weight loss, etc.

Everyone's health insurance is different.  If you have a flexible spending plan on your insurance, you can use it for your hypnosis sessions.  It's best if you call and ask regarding your particular insurance plan.

Also, check with your doctor and ask if they will give you a referral for hypnosis.

Usually, you can list it as a deduction on your taxes if you are using it for a health related matter. Check with your tax person.